About Me

My yoga journey started in 2005 after I graduated from college. And with most things that are interesting and new, I jumped right in and was really intense about it and then lost interest.

I was practicing on and off for the next couple of years until I rediscovered the practice in 2009. 
I became a 200 hr. certified yoga teacher in December 2010 at Laughing Lotus Yoga School in New York. Here is their website. It rocks.

My practice is about finding the yoga in daily life. I don't live in the middle of nature, and I don't have any plans to do so in the near future. My yoga is about finding the bits that work for me and sharing that with others.

I would also like to thank the following teachers: Dana Flynn, Alison Cramer, Molly Davidson, Rebecca Ketchum, Alyssa Ritch, Vicky Stellakis, and the many others from who I learn from everyday.

Feel free to let me know what you think about the site, the practice, anything by emailing me: donesyoga@gmail.com

On a side note, I do have another blog where I focus on healthy food. You will see the inspiration I get from the yoga practice in the food I make. Read Vegan,Vegetarian, And Not So.

If you're really interested in all of the things (it's more than yoga and food) that make up my life, feel free to read up on my life. Read Moving Towards Samadhi.

Loving Thoughts, Loving Words, Loving Heart


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